
Department of Sociology and Communications

Budapest University of Technology and Economics, (Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences)

Head of Department: dr. HAMP Gábor assistant professor

Address: 1111 Budapest, Egry J. u. 1, building E, 7. floor 715.

www: http://szoc.bme.hu


SNS: Facebook

Phone: +361 463 2410,

Fax: +361 463 4294

Map:find us on Google Maps here

Get here:

  • by tram: tram No. 4/6, Petőfi-bridge, trams No. 19, 49, 18: Bertalan Lajos street
  • by bus: bus No. 86: Karinthy Frigyes street, buses No. 7, 173: Móricz Zs. körtér
  • by car: free parking in Egry József street and at Műegyetem rakpart.

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