
project duration

November 2002 – May 2005

project objectives

The development of an info-com infrastructure supporting the spontaneous organisation of online communities: the selection and integration of the elements of this infrastructure. To work out a service that provides an optimal environment (technologically and at interface-level) for the formation and development of communities, contents, users (authentic user profiles) and values. Throughout the planning phase several observations were made, researches were carried out: for instance, we examined the formation, mutual relationship and transformation of the norms, classification systems, hierarchies and ontologies that organise, classify and structure virtual space and real environments. We defined the conceptual systems, key-word and classification systems necessary for the organisation of material with highly diverse contents.

The investigation and comparative analysis of content evaluation systems and algorithms of already existing collaborative content filtering mechanisms. Furthermore, at the interface design stage, the study of the visual, textual and other feedback methods used on online surfaces, and the selection, refinement and implementation of the appropriate processes for the given functionalities.

Project Status


The infrastructure is being planned to be made freely available under Creative Commons licence

Project participants

Balázs Bodó, Gábor Vályi, Péter Halácsy, István Szakadát


Ministry of Education, IKTA, 2002

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