MEO – Unified Hungarian Ontology Project

project duration

December 2004  – December 2006

project objectives

There is a vast amount of data that is generated through the daily practice of customer care in large corporations. This information shall be recorded and preserved in order to serve as an important resource that can be mobilised in the subsequent interactions of customer care  staff. In order to develop a database that effectively support the recording and later use of customer care data, there is a need to develop knowledge management skills that enable the organisation and integration of the practical and factual information within the data base. The immediate objective of this project is to develop such an intelligent automated system of support that could be put to use in customer care work within telecommunications companies. The development of such a system would also contribute towards the establishment of a more universal ontology-infrastructure that could be put to used in other fields of activity after appending the given infrastructure with the specific vocabulary of the field in question. The project shall work towards its immediate objective in a way that also makes possible such a more general adaptability of the ontology. The project thus aims to develop a unified national framework for ontological systems that includes a top-level ontology and a field specific professional ontology for telecommunications related customer care which is also freely available to other parties to work with and expand. In other words, the project is founded upon a open ontology infrastructure that includes freely available ontology management methodology and tools and  practical guidelines and ensures the institutional co-operation necessary for the maintenance of the framework.


project website

project participants

Péter Halácsy Péter, István Szakadát, Dániel Varga, András Aklan, András Kornai

project funder
Hungarian National R&D Programme 2004

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